This track is sponsored by
Agile Methods
An essential shift in the way how software is developed, tested, deployed, and improved is widely discussed by software developers, system engineers, and product managers. Agile methods strive to narrow the classical gap between operations and development. This track investigates the impact of such approaches to software development in general and Open Source in specific. A list of tools, techniques, and projects might include but is not limited to continous integration, lean development, Scrum, Kanban, and DevOps.
Time | Thursday, 08.05.2014 - Stage E |
10:00 |
Agile Software- entwicklung von Anfang an - Wie flexibel soll's denn sein?
Andre Schütz (Wegtam UG (haftungsbeschränkt)) |
10:30 | |
Practical Kanban
Georg Schönberger (Thomas- Krenn.AG) |
11:00 | |
11:30 | |
12:00 |
Keynote on Stage 11: State of the Union
Oliver Zendel (LinuxTag e.V.), Michael Kleinhenz (tarent GmbH) |
12:30 | |
13:00 |
Lunch break in exhibition halls 4 and 6 (included for LinuxTag badge holder)
13:30 | |
14:00 |
Bring your Project from a 10 Years to a 3 Months Release Cycle
Stefan Schmidt (Samsung Open Source Group) |
14:30 | |
Wie wir einmal 500 Server mit 150 Personen in 3 Tagen migriert haben und was wir alles gelernt haben
Ralph Angenendt (ImmobilienScout 24) |
15:00 | |
15:30 |
Coffee break in exhibition halls 4 and 6 (included for LinuxTag badge holder)
16:00 |
Let an on-site UX consultant break down the walls between design and engineering
Edna Kropp (akquinet AG), Nicole Charlier (akquinet AG) |
16:30 | |
Getting to the core: three lessons from our Agile journey
Gerrit Lutter (sipgate GmbH) |
17:00 | |
17:30 |
My Personal Tech- Writing Agile Manifesto
Mikey Ariel (Red Hat, Inc.) |