presented by LinuxNacht and droidcon

"BuddyNight" - that's the joint social evening of LinuxTag and droidcon. Since the two partners share space, time and resources this year, we are merging our Social Event for visitors, speakers and the communities, too. At LinuxTag, this social event is normally called "LinuxNacht" (LinuxNight <=> LinuxDay), and whoever has visited LinuxNacht knows about its special character. You can count on that this year as well.
For BuddyNight you have to go nowhere, when you are at LinuxTag or droidcon already - just do a few more steps. Right at STATION, where LPI exams take place during the day, we are building an amazing lounge for you - just for one night - on Thursday evening. We even have our own DJ producing Creative Commons music.
Outside in the courtyard the end-of-event party of re:publica is taking place: Everyone can go everywhere, no badge control in the evening anymore, and the entrance is free to both evening events. - As you might guess: With free entrance, there cannot be free dinner and drinks. We have different bars - one in our own lounge rooms - and there will be food sales booths in the courtyard.
- When: Thursday, May 8, from 7 to 12 pm. Please note: From 10 pm on please don't shout in the courtyard. We will get in trouble with neighbours otherwise.
- Where: STATION Berlin, rooms T and J (LPI exam rooms)
- Who: Every visitor, exhibitor and speaker ist welcome, as well as other open source enthusiasts and those who want to meet them.
- How much: Free entrance to our beautiful BuddyNight lounge and to our co-party by re:publica just outside.
About the Buddies

The mascots from LinuxTag and droidcon were created by US artist Helena Mosher exclusively for this year's event. Last year she put the BSD Chucky on the backseat of a GNU-Bike together with the LinuxTag Tux. This year, the Android robot joins them. These pictures show how the communities of Linux, Open Source and Android work together. There will be a motto T-Shirt available at LinuxTag's merchandise booth, of course.