Building your own Cloud infrastructure 
by Romain Pelisse (Red Hat GmbH)
Freitag, 09.05.2014, Stage D, 19:15-20:00 Uhr
Track: Cloud
While there are many solutions, and IaaS providers, to get one's "cloud" infrastructure running, the temptation is often strong to simply reuse the current infrastructure and build on top of it a sort of "cloud" like service. Indeed, with virtualization already in place, and some other products, such as RHNS and RHEL, it's not such a big leap ... but is this the right move?
This talk will therefore share real life experience, where, with the support of Red Hat Consulting, a company built their own "cloud" infrastructure to leverage their existing virtualization (vCenter) and overall infrastructure (RHEL, RHNS, Puppet along other Open Source or custom tools). Along the road we'll discuss industry standards, such as CMMI, but also products (RHNS, JBoss EAP, JBoss Data Grid, Cloud Forms) and Open Source components that were involved in the success of the overall solution. This presentation will conclude on a discussion on both advantages and drawbacks of such a strategy, along with the challenges encountered during its realization.
About the author Romain Pelisse:
Romain contributed to a number of Open Source projects, including PMD and XRadar. He translated for Mercurial and made some smallers contributions to KDE traduction and Checkstyle bug fixes. He is a teacher at ESME Sudria, France and holds OOP programming classes. He's interested in builds and control version systems, and Unix in general. He serves as Assistant Director of System Architecture at Fox Mobile Group since 01/2010, in Berlin.
Romain worked as Open Source Architect at Atos Origin (Open Source Center) from 2004 - 2009 in Paris. He has expertise in Open Source technologies including JBoss Application Server, JBoss Cache, JBoss Groups, Hibernate, and Spring. He is proficient in build tools like Ant and Maven. Romain is interested in Java code quality and continuous integration system including Sonar and/or XRadar with Checkstyle, PMD,Checkstyle, Ckjm, and Sonar Squid.