International event

LinuxTag has an international audience and is organized by international volunteers and speakers. There are applications of speakers from the following countries:
Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Russia, Slowakia, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, Netherlands, United Kingdom and United States.
Visitors from the following countries have signed up:
Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Spain, Norway, United States, Belgium, Serbia, Togo, Sri Lanka.
LinuxTag asked some of its visitors, speakers and exhihibitors from abroad about their optinion about Linux, Open Source and their visit or presentation at LinuxTag:
Denis Silakov, Moscow, Russia, 31 years old, Department head at ROSA Company.
Developing Linux is my job and business (ROSA Company is a Russian Linux vendor) and also a hobby - at my spare time I take participation in other Open projects such as OpenMandriva and LSB Workgroup of the Linux Foundation.
LinuxTag is a big chance for me to get new experience and share my personal experience with leading Linux developers from Europe, to attract new developers for the projects I participate in and to know better what do ordinary users expect from the FLOSS projects. Finally, I would be glad to have face-to-face meeting with other people working on OpenMandriva.


Marc Delisle
System administrator in a college
As a sysadmin, I have always felt grateful to open source developers; that's why I became a developer of phpMyAdmin.
The other year I attended was 2005, when our project was an exhibitor. I appreciated the general enthusiasm and the interactions with fellow developers.

Ana Deliallisi, Age 21, Informatics Student
Linux is the smartest penguin in the entire world. It protects my computer, update all my software with a single click, and what I like the most is its honesty; this penguin does not enjoy very much copying software illegally, it gives me the opportunity to get it for free.
It is my first time that I am attending LinuxTag but having a look at the past events even without experiencing them make me think that this will not be my last attendance. Also, for a fan of open source being part of LinuxTag is like being somewhere in heaven.
Jean Heimburger, age 53, manager of Tiaris
Why Open Source Software:
I switched to Linux 10 years ago. And I did not change since. I have choosen the Debian distribution, because I work on software developement. With Debian all tools I need are available.
Why LinuxTag:
I represent an open source project Dolibarr ERP/CRM. We want to promote a german speaking developer community.
Dolibarr is an Open Source ERP/CRM adapted for small and medium business. Developped with open source standards, free, independant.

Czech Republic

Mikey, Age 30, Senior technical writer at Red Hat and documentarian community advocate.
Why Open Source Software:
I joined Red Hat 6 months ago with no previous open source experience, but ever since I've been introduced to the community I learned that the open source philosophy of sharing development resources without the sense of private ownership or entitlement to the source code is healthy and essential to collaboration and innovation.
Without the dependency on software license sales and without all the nasty legal and business anxieties that accompany the proprietary software companies, we can focus on the actual product quality and usefulness to the world.
Why you are attending LinuxTag:
As a first-timer to LinuxTag and a newcomer to the open source world, I'm hoping to familiarize myself with the current trends that drive the community and with the people who invest their best waking hours and mental resources in the software that runs most of the world.
I also feel that it is important that documentarians attend more development-focused events to evolve to first class citizens in the development cycle and to encourage developers to get to know their writers!
My talk discusses how I apply agile development principles to my technical writing workflow, and why the agile manifesto is still important and relevant to me personally even if I don't work in an agile environment.

Nico -telmich- Schottelius, Age 2^5 , CEO and FOSS Hacker
Why Open Source Software:
I am a long term FOSS hacker and founder of the c* (c-star) software series to make life easier for sysadmins. Having developed, used and enhanced FOSS for several years it turned out to be invaluable to be able to see and fix bugs quickly. From my experiences no company supporting closed source software can provide an equivalent service to what is given with FOSS.
Why you are attending LinuxTag:
This is my first time on the LinuxTag and I will give a speech about cdist, a modern configuration management system.
We are a UNIX-company (UNGLEICH GmbH). We (automatically) install, configure and maintain UNIX-infrastructures according to the KISS principle, develop FOSS and provide consulting.

Roman 'rvs' Shaposhnik, Greybeard without the beard, California, Apache Bigtop ringmaster
Why Open Source Software:
Open source slowly replacing what standards used to accomplish back in '80s-2000s. Remember how it used to be? In order for the captains of the industry to agree on a technology roadmap they had to come together at the level of ISO or IEEE committees, produce 600+ document, give it back to their developers and hope for the best. Nobody does that anymore in 2014. It's too slow. Open Source software foundations, producing a reference implementation of the de-facto standard are a much better way.
Why you are attending LinuxTag:
This is my 3d LinuxTAG (the previous two were in 2006 and 2007). Much could change in 7 years, but one fact remains: LinuxTAG is still a prime destination for getting together with hackers coming from an impressive array of different projects.
Building Google-in-a-box: Using Apache SolrCloud and Bigtop to index your bigdata
My name is Kodjo, i live in Togo, I'm 35 years old and a computer technician.
Why Open Source Software:
According to my last investigaions in Togo, few people use Linux. However I am intending to organize a conference to educate businesses and individuals to experience its resources because Linux is a free and reliable software.
Why LinuxTag:
This is my first time at LinuxTag because i would like to know more about Open source / Linux especially its network interfaces in order to create a great promotion in my country moreover in Africa.

Italy or Denmark

Denmark (tho I am Italian).. either Italy or Denmark, just flip a coin ;)
Fabio M. Di Nitto, Age 38, Supervisor, Software Engineering
Why Open Source Software:
Linux and Open Source become part of my life in 1998 as a hobby and it has been growing on me over the years. I find Linux challenging, fun, interesting and since 2000 has been part of my professional life. I couldn't possibly imagine a day without.
Why you are attending LinuxTag:
I participated at LinuxTag several times over the past 14 years, mostly manning booth for Debian and Ubuntu. This is the first time I'll be visiting both as a speaker and wearing my Red Hat for Pacemaker.
Highly Available OpenStack done right

Mortier, Age 46, CEO of a Freesoftware Company OpenSides and Project Leader at FusionDirectory
Why Open Source Software:
Free software is important because its about choice and diversity. It also allow to create a local economy based on collaboration and sharing of ressources, not competition and a captive market.
Why you are attending LinuxTag:
To present the FusionDirectory project and meet the users, community of FusionDirectory.(project presentation)
I attended Linuxtag since wiesbaden in 2006 and since 2010 with the FusionDirectory project.

Christoph Mitasch, , Age 31, Expert Web Operations & Knowledge Transfer @ Thomas-Krenn.AG
Why Open Source Software:
My first Linux contact goes back to 1997/1998 in school. Linux enabled me to understand computers better and to have far more control over the system compared to proprietary software. And I'm convinced that the Open Source development model leads to far better software quality.
Why you are attending LinuxTag:
I've attended the LinuxTag nine times in a row, every year since 2006 in Wiesbaden. My employee - Thomas Krenn - is exhibitor since 2006 and I've also given multiple talks since then.
Prime Time for Linux Containers

Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona, Madrid, Associate Professor at URJC and co-cofounder of Bitergia
Why Open Source Software:
Free software is software as it should always be: a tool that you can use, improve, adapt to your needs. One of the most empowering tools that we humans have created.
Why you are attending LinuxTag:
Coming to Linux Tag is a good opportunity for sharing the new stuff we're doing on free software development analytics with interested people from all over Europe.
How open development data benefits your project and your community
Steven, Age 43, Researcher
Why Open Source Software:
We can stand on the shoulders of giants! It's easier to cooperate, and people could develop and own their own versions.
Why you are attending LinuxTag:
Our project, Clonezilla, has many users in Germany. For sure we'd like to meet people here. We have been participating LinuxTag from 2012.
Clonezilla Workshop