At a Glance
- Date: 22 – 25 May 2013
- Opening hours exhibition for visitors: Wednesday - Saturday from 09:30 until 18:00
- Conferences: daily 10:00 – 18:00
- Location: Berlin Fairgrounds Hall 7 (Messedamm 22, 14055 Berlin, Germany)
- Venue: Hall 7 (Station S-Messe Süd)
- Tickets, Admission fee: no reservation or registration needed, pay desk or online-shop. For further details, see the ticket section.
- Community E-Tickets: Like in the past years we are offering E-tickets for the communities of the exhibiting projects at the LinuxTag 2013.
- Discount rates: Pupils, Students, Trainees, handicapped people, and purchaser of ALG I or II are paying a reduced price with verification at the pay desk.
- Free entrance: Handicapped people with the indications “B”, “Bl”, “GL”, “aG” or “H” in their ID (please show ID at pay desk) are allowed to bring a free assistant. Children under the age of 8 have free entrance under the supervision of a parent or legal guardian.
The Features of LinuxTag

LinuxTag offers events in multiple formats. Basically there are exhibitions of companies and projects from the open-source environment, the free lecture program including the business and convention authorities and a range of partners and special formats at the LinuxTag.
120 companies and free software projects built a platform in the exhibition at the LinuxTag in 2012 to meet the makers of free software, to experience innovation live and to simply strike up conversations with professional visitors, the community and media representatives. The equal coexistence of projects and companies, which is a reflection of the innovative open-source world, is unique at LinuxTag.
Themes for all Target Groups
The free lecture program of LinuxTag is open to all visitors and with more than 260 contributions one of the world’s largest. With its broad spectrum of business talks, technical presentations and internationally important keynote speakers the program addresses all interests of the Linux crowd.
The integrated business and authorities convention (BuBK) aims case studies and experience reports specifically at Linux and Open Source users from the business and management world.
Special Events and Partner Events
In addition to the program non-standard sizes and special events take place– most of them for already many years. The program includes the hacking contest, the Kernel Kwestioning, key-signing-parties, the Distro battle and the projects fast forward. The workshops – offered by the projects – recess many additional themes and give visitors the opportunity to put their hand into the plough. 2012 the externally organized event Open Minds Economy was added for the first time as a partner event.
For professional further education there are not only lectures by experts but also thematically focused tutorials and certifications, including one of the Linux Professional Institute (LPI).
The visit of the LinuxTag 2013 is recognised as an educational vacation. Interested people can receive the notification via e-mail. For that reason please send a message to
The proof of the participation itself will be handed out to you at the LinuxTag 2013. Please enquire it at the fair management.
Or alternatively: If you need an official certificate of your participation, please scan your ticket and send it as well your adress at:
Further Information
Details about the conference program and the exhibition can be found at the appropriate program listings and on the list of exhibitors. Updates about the LinuxTag are distributed by the RSS-Feed, the Twitter stream or our sites on Facebook, Google+, Xing or Flickr. For the planning of the lectures a LinuxTag-App is available in the Android market.