The LinuxTag Conference

LinuxTag started as a free conference and grew to Europe's largest conference and expo on open source and free software. Our team invests a lot of efforts to create the best mix of news, trends and high quality in-depth presentations at the four day conference.
Besides our standards, like sessions specifically aimed at decision makers in private and public sector, LinuxTag has daily focusses for example on Android, Datacenter and storage technologies.
Again in 2013 there will be a Bar Camp organized by Netways. Further information will follow soon.
Special Conferences for Professionals
The Business and Administration Congress is a program track in the Free Conference, but tailored to the needs of decision makers in enterprises and public administration. LinuxTag partners for this track include business associations and top-level government agencies.
Professional users and administrators who want a quick overview of key technologies can attend expert training sessions in the Tutorials track. The LinuxTag tutorials are organised in partnership with the Linuxhotel in Essen. Visitors who would like a certificate of the knowledge they acquire can sign up for exams administered by the Linux Professional Institute (LPI).
Additional events that take place during LinuxTag include a key-signing party, hands-on labs, the traditional hacking contest and ad-hoc workshops by exhibiting projects.
Credibility Through Years of Experience
To ensure that the presentations at LinuxTag cover cutting-edge products and services, yet without degenerating into sales talks, the LinuxTag Association’s volunteer Program Comittee keeps a watchful eye on the quality of the conference program. The guiding criterion for the quality of presentations is their information value for the visitor.