OSB Alliance publishes basic principal positions
Just in time for the LinuxTag 2012 the Open Source Business (OSB) Alliance has published eight basic principal positions, on which basis they want to represent their future position towards politics, administration and the public. Guidelines include: „The input of Open Source software reduces one-sided dependence on suppliers, supply chains, customers and employees and therefore avoid bad investments.“ “Open Source promotes innovation, lowers barriers to entry the market and thus leads to a more agile IT industry.” “Open standards are an important prerequisite for ensuring interoperability and avoiding dependence on the producer.” Further guidelines concern open development processes and open collaboration, copyright, auditable IT infrastructure, Open Minds Economy and software patents, as well as network neutrality. Peter H. Ganten, Chairman of the OSB Alliance, explained on the occasion of the publication of the whitepaper: “Therewith we achieve a much needed profile raising and position ourselves as a reliable partner.”
(Hall 7.2b, Stand 225, Contact: Holger Dyroff, E-Mail: dyroff@osb-alliance.com)
Univention graduate award 2012
In line with the opening of the LinuxTag 2012, the Univention-CEO Peter Ganten and the golem-editor Jörg Thoma have awarded the Univention graduate award 2012 to three winners. In the first place was Martin Schobert from the Humboldt University in Berlin for his thesis “Software-supported reverse-engineering of logic-elements in integrated circuits.” For the second place, the jury chose Dominik Leibenger of the University of Paderborn with his master thesis “Confidential version administration with subversion”. The third place was achieved by David Saile of the University of Koblenz-Landau with his diploma thesis “MapReduce with Deltas”. Dominik Leibenger received for his work also the, for the first time awarded, cloud special price. With the, for the fifth time awarded, graduate award the Univention promotes theses from universities, which give a contribution for the further preparation of Open Source software for professional users.
(Hall 7.2b, stand 228, Contact: Silvia Frank, Telephone: +49-421-222320, E-Mail: frank@univention.de)
ownCloud 4 with versioning and ODF-viewer
The ownCloud-community has announced the release of ownCloud 4 on the occasion of this year’s LinuxTag-start. The improvements provide especially more security and flexibility for users. Among the new features, the following stand out: the versioning, the viewer for the Open Document format, Drag-&-Drop, the server-side encryption, the application programming interface, the released and public calendar and the combination of the own memory with cloud storage. Also new, is a plugin for the management of tasks. “Thanks to the active development-community, we can implement new ideas quickly and make it available to private users as well as professional users as a mature product”, said Frank Karlitschek, founder and project leader of ownCloud. According to him, more than 450,000 users already use the free file-synchronization and file-sharing software to manage addresses, appointments, bookmarks and Office files and to synchronise various devices.
(Hall 7.2b, stand 206, Contact: Frank Karlitschek, E-Mail: frank@owncloud.org)
E-participation with the DIALOG BOX
The ]init[ association for digital communication presents its new software for e-participation at the LinuxTag 2012: the DIALOG BOX. With the motto “Just participate online”, it stands for a safe, efficient and easy implementation of public-participation on the internet. The software-framework enables the economic implementation of the dialog with minimal administrative complexity and provides transparent, as well as understandable results. Apart from that, the DIALOG BOX lives up to all requirements of privacy, security and accessibility regulated for solutions at the federal level, emphasized the exhibitor. The application areas of the DIALOG BOX are multifaceted. Online-consultations in the state and country can also be implemented the same way as electronically guided city- and regional planning or participatory budgets on a communal level. Apart from that, the construction and the operation of public- or expert-networks are possible. The basic principle is a modular and SAGA-conform composition.
(Hall 7.2b, stand 261, Contact: Katharina Basedow, Telephone: +49-30-97006269, E-Mail: marketing@init.de)
About the LinuxTag
The LinuxTag is Europe’s leading exhibition and conference on topics relating to Linux and Open Source. The four-day event has been taking place since 1996, annually on the Berlin fair grounds since 2007. It offers updates for professional users, decision makers, developers, beginners and the community. The LinuxTag association is the ideal host for the event and is doing so alongside with the Messe Berlin VLC. For more information please visit http://www.linuxtag.org/2012/en.html.