UDOO: The Ultimate maker's Tool - A physical computing perspective 
by Michelangelo Guarise (AidiLAB S.r.l.)
Saturday, 10.05.2014, Stage C, 14:45-15:30 Uhr
Track: Trends and Ideas
UDOO is a single-board computer development platform that merges a dual or quad core ARM Freescale Cortex-A9 i.MX.6 CPU and an Arduino compatible board embedded with a dedicated ARM Atmel SAM3X8E CPU. That means that makers, designers students and hobbyist are able to get in a single board all the power of a quad core cpu and a fully compatible Arduino controller. UDOO was designed to be the ultimate makers tool, with all the connectivity and expansion possibilities available on board. UDOO can become a robot, a 3d printer, a NAS, a musical instrument, a server, a IoT hub, you don't have any limitation on your creative project. UDOO can run Linux in all its flavours (Ubuntu, Ubuntu Studio, ArchLinux, Debian, Volumio, XBMC, OpenmediaVault and more are available to download) and Android, allowing to use your favourite OS for your project. We'll see how it is possible to use sensors, actuators and movements to control sound\video processing, allowing advanced artistic expressions, combinining Arduino and Linux knowledge.
About the author Michelangelo Guarise:
Interaction Designer, he focuses on cognitive aspects of Interaction Design and Hergonomics. He works with GNU\LINUX systems in the physical computing domain and Audio related Applications. Founder of Volumio.org, an audiophile Linux distribution for Embedded Platforms. Part of Team UDOO, a board which carries a quad core processor, paired with an Arduino controller.