REDS: Giving the control over your data back to you! 
by Torben Haase (Flowy Apps)
Saturday, 10.05.2014, Stage E, 15:00-15:30 Uhr
Track: Storage and Big Data
The talk is about the new data storage system REDS, which has the potential to revolutionize former data storage concepts in the cloud and to give the control over the data back to the users!
The users can decide actively again where they want to store their data without being dependent on the provider. They can use for example their own NAS at home or a server provider, whom they can trust. This way no third parties or even the provider will have any insight in the data. Hereby cloud services that implement REDS are as secure as local software solutions but can still be as comfortable as usual online services.
The framework is based on JavaScript and node.js and can be implemented in any kind of web app. The concept is not limited to JavaScript, but can be ported to other platforms as well.
REDS will be published under a dual license. It will be free for private and open source developers under the AGPL and fee-based for commercial users under a LGPL-like license. Currently the concept is being reviewed by selected experts and will be published estimated at the end of May 2014 on
About the author Torben Haase:
Torben Haase is the founder and lead developer of Flowy Apps. He is a passionate developer since the age of 13 and an enthusiast of programming, open source software and data security.
Before Flowy Apps Torben Haase has studied computer science at the FH Flensburg and since 1998 he has worked as an independent web developer for private persons and several companies. On his own blog you can get an impression of his experience.