EFL: A graphical toolkit for the Internet of things 
by Cedric Bail (Enlightenment Foundation)
Freitag, 09.05.2014, Stage E, 21:00-21:30 Uhr
Track: Embedded
Enlightenment Foundation Libraries, EFL, were created more than 10 years ago to make it possible for Enlightenment 17 to be a desktop that scales from the very low end embedded device to the very high end PC. With time, this toolkit that was designed to develop a window manager is now perfectly capable of handling the complexity of any kind of application. Today this toolkit, even if used by many people daily on desktop, has been used by even more people on small and constrained hardware. The requirements are pretty low as it has been squashed into some ARM at 400Mhz with no GPU and only 16MB of RAM or a MIPS at 200Mhz with 32MB of RAM and was still perfectly usable and did provide the nice animation that everyone excepts from modern UI.
The talk will give you an overview of all the features that EFL provides, where you can use it, who is using it and if time permits some live demo. The goal of this talk is to really give you a good overview of what you can do with any hardware that has a screen. In a time where we are starting to see more and more screens around us, being able to have a Free and Open Source stack to make devices that don't rely on central service to operate is becoming critical. We hope that by hearing this talk you will find solutions for the user interface of your next cute embedded nonsense hack.
About the author Cedric Bail:
Cedric Bail is a computer science engineer, long time contributor to the Enlightenment project and now working for Samsung Mobile division.
He worked before for two French operator in their R&D department. He has been involved in several Free or Open Source project in the past 15 years, was involved a lot in the French Enlightenment community and is an experienced C developer. He is behind many refactoring, speed and memory improvement of EFL.