Kernel Kwestioning 
by Nils Magnus (LinuxTag e. V.), Thorsten Leemhuis (Heise Zeitschriften Verlag GmbH & Co. KG -- Redaktion c't)
Freitag, 09.05.2014, Stage E, 17:30-18:00 Uhr
Track: Kernel
Ever wondered how the kernel looks like in its inner workings but were afraid to ask? This is the session all present Linux kernel developers gather at the stage, discuss, and answer questions from the audience. Invented 2005, Kernel Kwestioning celebrate this year its tenth incarnation.
About the author Nils Magnus:
Nils was co-founder of LinuxTag back in 1995 and is today involved as Program Chair and Director of Operations. With others, he coordinates the LinuxTag conference planning and is member of the extended board of directors.
Having worked as Senior Security Consultant at secunet Security Networks AG, Hamburg, Germany for almost a decade and couple of years for Linux New Media as an editor for Linux-Magazin, he works at Inovex GmbH as a systems engineer on large-scale datacenter solutions. He has a focus on security analysis, high-security environments, and business soultions. If not concerned with computers, he loves to cook, to travel, and to listen to substantial music.
About the author Thorsten Leemhuis:
Thorsten is an editor for the Hannover based Heise Zeitschriften Verlag. Writing for its print publication c't magazine and online presence, heise online and heise open, his main focus is on Linux and Open Source Software.
Thorsten since a few years is the sole author of the "Kernel Log" -- a column that gives a concise overview of the most important things that the kernel developers are discussing or working on. The column also covers topics that are close to the kernel, such as graphics drivers (Xorg, Mesa 3D, ...) and Linux's "plumbing layer". The "Kernel Log" is published in German in c't, once every three or four issues, and on heise open, round about weekly.