Panel Discussion: How I got my Linux Dream Job 
by Anika Kehrer (LinuxTag e. V.)
Freitag, 09.05.2014, Stage 12, 20:30-22:00 Uhr
Track: Open Podium
Have you ever heard of a programmer? For sure. But what about a lead developer? Have a rough idea? If it comes to an Senior Software Systems Architect Advisor, most are confused: What are those folks actually doing? What did they do to obtain on of the fancy job titles on their business cards?
Join our panel of selected Linux and Open Source professionals and learn about their education, their career plan, their job objectives, day-to-day routines, and pitfalls they circumvented in the course of their career track first-hand.
On the moderated panel on comfy sofas, we ask developers, sysadmins, scrum masters, QA testers, system architects, driver maintainers, web designer and devops system engineers to reveal their education. We peek about handicraft and qualifications. We nag our guests about their motivation and ask about tools and techniques they use in their jobs.
About the author Anika Kehrer:
Anika Kehrer is a freelance IT Journalist based in Munich and Berlin, operating her business under the name rtfinem ("read the fine manual"). She is a member of LinuxTag e. V. since 2008 and since 2013 in charge for LinuxTag's social event, LinuxNacht.