Kolab.org - Secure Private Cloud in a post-Snowden World 
by Torsten Grote (Kolab Systems AG), Till Adam (KDE)
Donnerstag, 08.05.2014, Stage B, 18:30-19:15 Uhr
Track: Bring back your servers
This talk will show you how to regain control of your personal information and still have it available on all your devices such as your mobile phone. Your data can remain under your control without it being send and stored in the United States on Google's servers.
The main tool for this is the Free Software Kolab.org. It is a secure, scalable and reliable groupware server that allows you to collaborate with others using all sorts of different clients. There are packages for the most common distributions that allow for an easy install. Also, there are several hosted offers where you can simply sign up without any technical knowledge.
Kolab is formed by a number of well-known and proven Free Software components and adds intelligent interaction between them. There's a web administration interface, management of free-busy lists and resources, synchronization for several devices and more. Various clients can access Kolab, among them Kontact (KDE) and Roundcube (Web). Best of all, Kolab is 100% Free Software, so you are free to use, study, share and improve it.
About the author Torsten Grote:
Torsten Grote hat Philosophie und Informatik studiert. Im Moment arbeitet er als "Evangelist" für die Kolab Systems AG, den führenden Anbieter der Kolab Technologie und ein echten Freie Software Unternehmen.
Er setzt sich auch privat für die Stärkung und Wahrung der Rechte und Freiheiten von Bürgern im digitalen Zeitalter ein. Seit langer Zeit ist er ein Aktivist für Freie Software und mittlerweile der stellvertretende Deutschlandkoordinator der Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE). Dort hat er unter anderem die Free Your Android Kampagne ins Leben gerufen.
About the author Till Adam:
Till is a long time contributor to Free Software, particularly KDE's personal information management libraries and applications. He has been involved with the Kolab groupware project from the beginning and serves on the board of Kolab Systems AG, the steward company of Kolab. He lives with his wife and daughter in Berlin, Germany.