Getting to the core: three lessons from our Agile journey 
by Gerrit Lutter (sipgate GmbH)
Donnerstag, 08.05.2014, Stage E, 16:45-17:30 Uhr
Track: Agile Methoden
There is multitude of frameworks and techniques to apply Agile in coding, teams, and organizations. Not all of them fit every situation. So rather than talking about specific solutions, this session touches upon more fundamental ideas.
At sipgate, a German VoIP company, we have four years of experience in Agile. Accordingly, we also have four years worth of insights, made mistakes, and painful learnings. This session is about three core lessons in Agile and how we use and live them every day. So whether you are working alone, in a distributed project or a large-scale development organization, this talk is for you.
About the author Gerrit Lutter:
Gerrit has worked with Agile teams at sipgate for the past 2.5 years. His erlier life at university exposed him to subjects like Political Science, Business Administration, and Information Management.