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Wolfgang Wagner | Nils Magnus |
Press releases
15.04.2011 Who can hack LinuxTag? Ten years of the Hacking Contest

- Hack us! Website with online security exercises - Hacking Contest with awards ceremony on 13 May – New feature: issue of certificates Berlin, 14 April 2011 – The new website for the 10th Hacking Contest at LinuxTag, which takes place from 11 to 14 May on the Berlin Exhibition Grounds, already includes some hard nuts to crack, under the slogan “Hack us!”.
31.03.2011 Smart People and Intelligent Solutions from Here to the Moon: The Conference Program for LinuxTag 2011 is Online Now

Trends and faces: international keynote speakers at LinuxTag — Critical and practical: clouds and virtualization in business — Hard facts and technical knowlege for administrators and developers: from Apache 2.4 to PandaBoard Berlin, March 30, 2011. LinuxTag, to be held May 11 to 14 at the Berlin Fairgrounds, will host renowned experts from the worldwide Linux and Open Source scene.
02.03.2011 LinuxTag Association: Don't Jump to Conclusions

LinuxTag Association calls on the open-source industry and the community to take an unequivocal position. // The Business and Administration Congress on May 11 and 12 in Berlin will demonstrate the potential of open-source software. Berlin, March 2, 2011. During CeBIT in Hanover, Nils Magnus, Event Coordinator of the LinuxTag Association, spoke with the press on the subject of LinuxTag 2011 in Berlin. Magnus warned users against jumping to conclusions following the decision by Germany’s...
07.02.2011 LinuxTag in the Starting Blocks

- LinuxTag is May 11 to 14, 2011, in Berlin - Call for Papers extended to February 8, 2011 - Focus: E-publishing, Android and server consolidation - 200 talks wanted on all aspects of open-source software
07.02.2011 Abschlussbericht: Aufbruchsstimmung auf dem LinuxTag 2010

Auf dem LinuxTag 2010 in Berlin kamen vom 9. bis 12. Juni insgesamt 11.748 Teilnehmer aus Community und Unternehmen zusammen. 43 Unternehmen und 75 Freie Projekte gaben einen Überblick über die Leistungsfähigkeit und den aktuellen Entwicklungsstand Freier Software und Betriebssysteme. Open Source treibt die Diskussion der aktuellen Trendthemen der IT-Welt. Dazu zählen Smartphones, die auf Open Source basieren, Navigationssysteme oder eingebettete Systeme, Spezialcomputer zur Steuerung von...