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05.05.2011 Featured: Nicholas Marriott, tmux

Nicholas Marriott from Northern Ireland wrote the terminal multiplexer "tmux", because - so he said in an interview in 2009 [1] - he found the already existing terminal multiplexer "screen" too unpractical to extend. For his own tool he wanted to keep the codebase readable and extendable. This lesson he had learned was veryfied by another lesson, which his own project taught him: People use tools in surprisingly different ways.
03.05.2011 LinuxTag is proof: Linux is worthwhile

Exhibitors confirm open source is a money maker – Business & Public Sector Authorities Conference provides stimulus for new ideas - international keynotes put the spotlight on business, legal aspects and applications Berlin, 2 May 2011 – Programming is not everything in this world. Nowhere is it easier to establish business relations with customers, associates and the open source community than at LinuxTag, Europe's leading trade fair and conference on Linux open source and free software,...